Career Crossroads? How to Map Your Journey Beyond Academia 

Photo, clockwise from bottom: Psychological scientists Melissa Smith, Andy DeSoto, and Wendy Wood provided tried-and-true career tips in the July 2023 workshop.

From technology to government, media to energy services, the list of professional sectors employing psychological scientists continues to stretch well beyond higher education and academia. But how do you find the field that’s right for you? And how do you acquire the skills, make the connections, and navigate the pathways that will help you land the position you want? Be open to routes you may have never considered, according to panelists at a recent APS professional development workshop on careers outside academia. “The path is typically meandering and really interesting,” said Melissa Smith, a user experience research manager at Google. Here’s some of what to expect along the way. 

The full article is available to APS members and registered workshop attendees.

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