Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Funding Opportunities

Psychological scientists conducting research in Canada may find the following opportunities of interest. The Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council offers three standing funding opportunities: Partnership Engage Grants, Insight Development Grants, and Connection Grants. A description of each opportunity is described below:

Development Grants

Funding provided through the
Insights Development Grant program is for short-term research development
projects in their early stages. Funding can be for up to 2 years. These grants
allow for the development of experiments with new methods, new theoretical
approaches and ideas, and new research questions.

Funding ranges from $7,000-$75,000

Deadlines for the 2023 competition has passed.

Engage Grants

These grants provide short­-term
support for partnered research activities. Supported activities should inform
the decision-making of an organization from the public, private, or
not-for-profit sector (the partnered organization). Partnering organizations
must be nonacademic. This opportunity allows researchers and the organizational
partner access to increased knowledge, expertise, and the ability to solve problems
of mutual interest.

Funding ranges from $7,000 to
$25,000 for one year

Deadlines for the 2023-24 competition: June 15, September 15, December 15, and March 15


These grants support short-term
events targeted at the exchange of knowledge, and engaging on research issues
of value to participants. Some examples of supported events include workshops,
colloquia, conferences, forums, summer institutes, and similar activities.
Funding through Connection Grants can serve as a first stop to longer-term,
more comprehensive projects.

Funding for events ranges from

Funding for outreach activities
ranges from $7,000-$50,000

Deadlines for the 2023-24 competition: November 1, February 1, May 1, and August.

*Applications for Insight, Partnership, and Connection Grants are due by 8 PM ET.

For more information on upcoming deadlines, please visit the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s upcoming Deadlines page.

For a full list of funding opportunities available through Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, visit their funding page here.

Applicants must be affiliated with an eligible Canadian postsecondary institution at the time of application.

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